So I’ve been wanting to start up this linky party for a while now, but I’m so bad at blogging on Fridays that I haven’t been able to. So I’ll just post my own Photo Friday and make it a linky party some other time. 🙂 I have had two amazing weeks back at school. I didn’t realize how much I missed the students. They apparently missed me too. My first day back was like the first day of school. No one spoke out of turn or got into trouble. It was great!! I’m glad to be back into my routine of things. Still trying to get EVERYTHING squeezed in: blogging, facebook page, TPT, school, home, husband, and most importantly the TWINS. Lots to do. Thankfully my husband is extremely supportive. He was a teacher at one point in time in his career path but it didn’t suit him well. But thankfully that means he knows that it’s like. (And he likes the extra money from TPT too!) So he’s always asking if he can help or gives me time to work when I need/want it. So great!
The twins turned 4 months old yesterday. It was so busy that I didn’t even get to take their 4 month pics 🙁 So sad. I’m going to get them taken today – but they’re asleep now so it must wait..
So do you want to see what I’ve been doing the last few weeks?? Take a look!
We started my Rock Unit my first week back. We’re about 1/2 way done but unfortunately these are the only pictures I have of it 🙁 I’m super bad at remembering to take pictures. The kids are LOVING it though. They enjoy writing in their journals each day and they are even more excited about the fact that they are scientists!! You can check it out my clicking the image below.
Here’s a photo of one student happily writing in his journal.
And another journal.
This may look a little…Umm.. ewww!! But I promise they are not! These are the igneous rocks we made from the recipe in the unit. They are delicious actually and the kids loved them!
It was this simple!!
Here is the KWL chart we made. I’m in no way artistic with a marker/pencil/pen or any other type of writing utensil. Thank goodness for clipart! So it’s bland but it does the job!
Before I went back to school, I made these amazing finger painting bags for my students’ word work center. Again, I didn’t get pictures of THEM using them (yet) but I did remember to snap one of them afterwards. They are great and the kids are so motivated!
We also reviewed Context Clues my first week back. If you have never heard of the book Baloney you need to go and grab it now! Check it out HERE. I read through the book and posted post-it notes next to the ‘alien’ words. I had a chart already made out but just covered so the answers couldn’t be seen. I read the book and when we got to an alien word we stopped and used our context clues to figure out its meaning. The book is adorable and the kids love it!
Sorry this pic is sideways…
And finally my favorite!! We worked on perimeter this past week. On Friday I got to use my Farmer Frank Perimeter Activity. Talk about a HOME RUN!! The kids were more engaged than they had been all week. It was fantastic! Click on the picture below if you want to check it out. (And if you want it – you better be a follower of my Facebook Page – it may or may not be free RIGHT NOW for ONLY 4 hours – until 3pm EST April 20th.)
That’s all the pictures I have for now. I’m working on a fun Writing Revision activity now so hopefully it will be up soon. Keep an eye on my Facebook Page for it to be posted (and probably free for the first few hours!) I’d love to hear how your week went!! Have a fantastic weekend!!!