Can you believe that Christmas is actually right around the corner. It feel like yesterday I was 8 months pregnant and school was just starting. Why does time seem to go so much faster when you’re an adult? I miss those days as a kid when it took FOREVER for something to happen… If only we could go back in time and tell our young selves to savor that feeling! But alas, we cannot. So I’ve been super busy with family and school. And because I don’t think I have enough going on in my life (cue laughter), I decided to start selling Scentsy! I’ve only been at it for a little over a week and I love it! I had a ‘holiday’ party a few weeks ago that was more of an Open House type. I had over 7 different sellers there anywhere from 31 to Scentsy and Pampered Chef. It was so much fun! Lots of friends got some great Christmas shopping done! 🙂 I finally got parent/teacher conferences done as well. I had all but one show up… Pretty good turn out! And last week (yes, the 2 day week of Thanksgiving) I had my unannounced observation. It ended up being on a really fun fact family lesson that the kids had a blast with. I have my conference over it tomorrow morning. *Fingers Crossed*. So this week is the first week in a LONG time that I feel somewhat normal. Nothing going on at home or at school. Just a typical work and home week and I can’t wait to savor it. I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was a lot of fun as well. I haven’t even begun to dig into the leftovers yet. That’s what this week is for!
So we’ve been doing a lot of fun things in Room 129 since I’ve been back. We learned all about division recently…
And what better way to understand than with cupcake tins and marshmallows!? You can download the recording sheet we used below. Students used the division problems and used the marshmallows as the counters and the sections of the tins (from dollar store) as their ‘equal groups’. They really did a great job and understood the concept of division! Click the photo below to download the recording sheet.
We’ve also been hitting our Bossy R sounds along with some other “R” sounds that we’re getting mixed up. “air” sounds and bossy “ar” sounds seem to be tricky for my little ones, so I made this fun little center game for us to practice reading both and knowing the difference in sounds and spellings.
Students spin the spinner and then find a word that matches the sound they landed on. If read correctly, they then color in their square. The person with the most squares wins! Get if FREE by clicking the photos above!
So as I said, my unannounced observation was this week and we were working on x and division fact families in math. I’m super excited about when they came because I had JUST made this activity and was super excited to try it out. It has everything.. game, QR codes, questions, reflection, etc. Blueberry. My kids loved it! I wish I could have taken pictures of us playing but since it was my observation I couldn’t… 🙁 Here’s a few pics of it all printed nice and neat though!
(Yes… that is a shameless Selfie! I’ve been in my office alone far too long today by myself – I needed a quick laugh!)
Click on the photos to check it out!
So when I made the fact family lesson I was also in need of a fun plural noun lesson, so I did a similar activity with plurals! We’re doing this lesson tomorrow. Man are plural rules hard to remember! Any advice on how to get them to stick with the kids? Click on the photo to check it out too!
Can you tell we’ve been busy!? And that I’ve been busy?!
These two stinks keep me busy too! They are turning TWO in less than a month. Can you believe it!?!? And their baby brother is growing like a weed!
Here’s to your next three week of school going smoothly! Also make sure to check out the HUGE cyber Monday (and Tuesday) sale going on TPT right now. Lots of huge savings!! Click on the picture below for direct access to my store! I hope you check it out!