There are never enough hours in the day for teachers to get everything done! Even if we were somehow granted 2 more hours each day, we would still not do everything we wanted. Thankfully, the stress of that goes away the second smiling faces enter the classroom. There is such joy in teaching lessons, creating activities, reading stories, and helping in centers. However, all teachers know that even with meticulous planning and amazing lessons, there will be students who start to fall behind. This is an unavoidable aspect of teaching. So, what do teachers do when this happens? They find ways to squeeze in even MORE time to meet one-on-one or in small groups! So, I created 10 Minute Math Interventions! Let’s take a look into the math intervention sneak peek: 10-minute interventions to see what this resource is all about!
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Sneak Peek into the 10-Minute Math Intervention Resource
Engaging Activities
When students need an intervention, they have done all they can. However, they are struggling and need additional help. This often means teachers use interventions and an approach unique to the student. Thankfully, the pages in the 10 Minute Math Interventions provide engaging activities. Each page showcases the skills included in a new light to help students think differently.
The activities are all very hands-on and support students as they interact with the activities. Everything teachers need to support and assist students with intervention is within this resource! With the fun activities, students will say goodbye to math anxiety!
I get a lot of questions about ‘what grade level is this resource for?’ and to be honest, it depends. Intervention is more about your student’s ability than a specific grade level. I design my resources for grades 2nd – 4th. I can see a second, third, and fourth-grade teacher utilizing this resource in a classroom.
Since students will love the math interventions, check out 10 Minute Reading Interventions! Students will show so much growth in reading and math!
Scaffolded Math Intervention Pages
When designing this resource, I wanted to help teachers by putting activities in their hands that were quick to implement. A resource that was to the point. One that supported the skills and standards that students might need an intervention for. But, like all skills, there are varying levels of understanding and a wide variety of approaches you can take to mastery. So, one of the biggest aspects of this resource is the varying levels I incorporated into the pages.
The resource itself includes 15 different math concepts. This includes everything from addition and subtraction to money. There are 10-18 pages for each math skill, and the pages have the numbers 1 to 10. This means that page 1 is the most basic level of understanding when discussing the skill. Page 10 is the most advanced. This is an essential aspect when providing math intervention to students!
For each student who needs an intervention, teachers can easily match where they are in the spectrum from pages 1 to 10. So, the teacher knows exactly where to begin to ensure successful math intervention. For instance, Student A may not need to start on page 1. Instead, past data and conversations will help teachers figure out the appropriate page to begin on. Since the student is starting on page 4, the teacher has 6 different and completely scaffolded activities to help gain mastery. Once the student reaches page 10, the teacher can then have the student apply the skill to a grade-level text and practice.
Ultimately, the 10 pages per skill provide multiple opportunities for practice. They allow teachers to match students to a specific spot in each skill. Best of this, this allows many students to benefit from the resource, just not the lowest level of students.
Step by Step Lesson Plans
Teachers are so busy. They are managing a hundred different tasks while having to keep a smile on their face. Thankfully, the 10 Minute Math Interventions include incredible lesson plans. This is incredibly helpful since the teacher is not always the one doing interventions. This may fall to a resource teacher, instructional assistant, or parent volunteer. I can’t tell you how many times I had someone push into my classroom. I WISHED I had something prepped for them to use with a specific student I knew needed an intervention. This resource ensures something incredible is always ready!
To ensure instructions are clear for any adult, there is a ½ page lesson plan for every single intervention activity! This has step-by-step instruction by breaking down the activity. Also, there are strategic questions to ask before, during, and after the activity to foster a deeper level of understanding. There are even answer keys for each resource.
Math Intervention Dry Erase Activities
Another feature I LOVE about the 10 Minute Math Interventions is that you can easily make the activities reusable! Teachers can place the activities into plastic sleeve protectors and use thin dry erase markers! This aspect is perfect because it helps cut down on copying. Similarly, it allows me to quickly move from doing an activity one-on-one with a student to another.
Easy Storage
Like almost every teacher, I’m a sucker for fantastic storage hacks. I love a clean, organized classroom! When I saw these Iris Shallow Containers on Amazon, I knew they’d be perfect for the 10 Minute Math Interventions. They are great because I can slap the label on them and place them in my closet or on a bookshelf for easy access. Thankfully, this means that I or any push-in services can quickly find what we need. The Iris containers are sturdy and fit everything inside. They even include labels, dry erase markers, and erasers!
If you’re not into containers or need something less expensive, 3-ring binders always work wonders, too! You can easily snag a large 3-ring binder with tabs and use the tabs to divide each of the 12 skills. Open the binder, find the tab you need, and bam – you’ve got your options ready to go!
Organizational Record-Keeping Pages
It can be hard to keep different levels straight with 25+ students. Add in multiple interventions and options, and teachers can quickly become overwhelmed! Thankfully, the 10 Minute Math Interventions include a way to remember who has done which interventions. There are record-keeping pages! This helps you remember, as well as communicate to others, which student has done which intervention within a given skill. For example, you have student ‘A’ who has done pages #4, 5, and 6 for Area and Perimeter. Student ‘B’ who has done #1 and 2, etc. If you have a push-in, you can easily say, ‘Grab the Area tub and continue with student ‘A’. They can grab the tub, open the container, and SEE where you left off!
So as you can see, the 10 Minute Math Interventions is definitely something I feel every teacher needs to have! It’s practical, specific, rigorous, and savvy! If you have any other questions about the resource, please feel free to shoot me an email through my ‘contact me’ page! I’m happy to help!