Are you searching for worksheets and activities to teach morphology in an effective and comprehensive way? We’ve got you covered! With Mastering Morphology, you gain an entire year of print-and-go resources, including student worksheets and activities, for teaching 72 morphemes, including root words, suffixes, and prefixes!
You’ll begin by sharing a “What is Morphology?” presentation with your students (PowerPoint and Google Slides link included). Then, you’ll begin teaching the morphemes over 24 weeks! Each week consists of the same structure, introducing a root word, prefix, and suffix. Here is a week at a glance (also be sure to check out the preview to get a great look at the materials!):
Structure of a Week:
•Day 1 – Introduction and Sorting
Introduce the three morphemes for the week using provided posters. Hand out the weekly activity pages and guide students through reading a paragraph filled with words containing the morphemes. Students highlight the words and sort them into categories. After sorting, students define some of the words and discuss their meanings, ending with a class discussion to clarify definitions.
•Day 2 – Expandable Organizer
Model how to create an expandable organizer with one morpheme in the center and connected boxes for words, definitions, and sentences. Students then partner up to complete organizers for the remaining two morphemes.
•Day 3 – Odd Word Out
Guide students in identifying patterns by picking the “odd word out” from sets of four words. Model one example, explaining connections between three words and why the fourth doesn’t fit. Students work in small groups to complete the rest, followed by a class discussion.
•Day 4 – Morpheme Word Creation
Students read definitions and use a “Morpheme Bank” to assemble words that match the definitions. After modeling a few examples, students work independently or with partners to complete the rest. Conclude with a class review to check answers.
•Day 5 – Assessment and Cloze Activity
Students complete a cloze reading activity, filling in blanks with words that contain the week’s morphemes. They define the morphemes separately to demonstrate their understanding. This activity can serve as an assessment or guide for students needing extra practice with the morphemes.
Once the 24 weeks have been completed, you will spend 4 weeks reviewing and assessing student progress. You’ll finish the unit with confident, capable readers that have a deep understanding of language!
This resource includes:
- A detailed unit guide for the teacher
- A digital presentation (PPT and Google Slides) to introduce the study of morphology to students
- Weekly teacher lesson plans for teaching 3 morphemes a week (a root word, prefix, and suffix) for 24 weeks
- 4 weeks of assessment and review activites
- Colorful, eye-catching posters for every morpheme
- Student practice pages and teacher modeling pages
- Tips for scaffolding/extending activities
- Full answer keys and work samples
Morphemes Taught Include:
- Root: help, Prefix: un- (not), Suffix: -s (plural)
- Root: friend, Prefix: re- (again), Suffix: -ed (past)
- Root: play, Prefix: pre- (before), Suffix: -ing (present participle)
- Root: care, Prefix: dis- (not, apart), Suffix: -er (one who)
- Root: build, Prefix: in- (not), Suffix: -ly (characteristic of)
- Root: pack, Prefix: con- (together), Suffix: -est (superlative)
- Root: sign, Prefix: inter- (between), Suffix: -ful (full of)
- Root: move, Prefix: ex- (out), Suffix: -less (without)
- Root: joy, Prefix: over- (too much), Suffix: -ness (state of)
- Root: read, Prefix: mis- (wrong), Suffix: -able (can be done)
- Root: stop, Prefix: under- (below), Suffix: -ion (act of)
- Root: look, Prefix: mid- (middle), Suffix: -y (characterized by)
- Root: know, Prefix: non- (not), Suffix: -ment (state of being)
- Root: watch, Prefix: trans- (across), Suffix: -en (made of)
- Root: thank, Prefix: fore- (before), Suffix: -ish (characteristic of)
- Root: agree, Prefix: semi- (half), Suffix: -ist (one who)
- Root: real, Prefix: de- (opposite), Suffix: -ive (adjective form)
- Root: start, Prefix: anti- (against), Suffix: -ship (state of)
- Root: form, Prefix: ad- (to), Suffix: -al (related to)
- Root: scrib, Prefix: sub- (under), Suffix: -ure (process of)
- Root: rupt, Prefix: ob- (against), Suffix: -ic (characteristics of)
- Root: port, Prefix: super- (above), Suffix: -ity (state of)
- Root: fac, Prefix: in- (into), Suffix: -ate (to make)
- Root: vid/vis, Prefix: en- (cause to), Suffix: -ize (to make)