Prep Now for Later

Teachers are the masters of finding time-saving tips! Honestly, they have so many things they need to get done each day. So, they often get little sleep while dealing with a lot of stress. This is especially true during back-to-school season, and no one wants to feel like this! So, I am excited to share time-saving aspects to prep now for later! These tips will help save so much time later in the school year and make the workload feel less daunting! 

prep now for later

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  1. Exit Tickets 

Exit tickets are a fantastic tool that you can use in your classroom to help gather qualitative and quantitative data! Teachers can use them very frequently and even every day! So, if you want to save time throughout the year, prep and print your exit tickets right now. You can copy them and store them in file folders based on standards. When you teach that standard, all you have to do is pull them out and pass them out. You can even go as far as cutting them if they need cutting. 

This time-saving prep now for later tool will ensure teachers know exactly what students know and what they need further help with. Check out the Math Exit Ticket Bundle to see the fantastic feedback exit tickets provide. This bundle focuses on 11 strands with over 300 exit tickets ready! 

prep now for later with exit tickets

  1. Task Cards

Task cards make an excellent center! Additionally, they are perfect for early finishers, morning work, and homework. Honestly, there are so many unique ways to use task cards in the classroom! However, prepping, cutting, laminating, and sorting them are so time-consuming. So, instead of taking time away from self-care, grading papers, and planning, do it now! Do all of that hard prep now while you have a little bit of extra time. 

Thankfully, my Task Card Store will save even more time! There are options for so many subjects, lessons, and skills with tons of quick differentiation! 

Task Cards

  1. Morning Work 

Believe it or not, morning work is a fantastic thing to prep now for later. Honestly, doing it now is an excellent way to ensure you are not rushing to prep morning work as students are coming into the classroom. This happens since morning work is on the lesson plans, but it is not something teachers always prepare in advance. So, I love to prep now for later by printing, copying, and sorting into file folders. I even print a few extra copies for students who lose theirs throughout the week. 

I love to start the day with activities that help students wake up their minds and bodies. So, the Reading Comprehension Morning Work activities are the perfect no-prep activities to quickly print and hand out!


Morning Work

  1. Centers 

Do you ever get frustrated over how tedious centers are to prep? I do! Between multiple centers changing every week, they can be so time-consuming. However, they are so beneficial for students. So, I love using my time and energy to organize centers while I have a bit of extra time. When teachers prep now for later, they just need to pull out the centers and set them out! For example, the Reading Comprehension Games are fun, hands-on activities students can work on during a center! Teachers just need to print, separate pieces, and select the skill to work on. There are so many skills included, such as setting and context clues. 

Reading Comprehension Games | Prep Now For Later

  1. Parent Resources 

I love printing and prepping parent resources now! This includes things for open hours, conferences, family-type events, and back-to-school activities. Personally, I love to prep now for later, including any resources I will use during the first semester. I even prepare Parent Games focusing on multiple skills, such as grammar, math, reading, and writing. Then, I use a trifold board and put it up at all sorts of family events showcasing what we work on. By prepping now, I can even have fun activities for families to take home when they come in throughout the year. It is so nice not to scramble when these events come! 

Parent Games

I hope you enjoy these prep now for later time-saving tips! Teachers are so busy, so it is amazing to take some time now to make the year less stressful! 

If you do not want to miss any of the upcoming lessons, join my email list to be notified of all the interactive lessons coming up! By joining the email list, you will receive freebies for blog exclusive subscribers!  


prep now for later


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I’m a wife, a mommy of 3, blogger, and a full time teacher author and presenter. I love to read, shop, and spend time with my family! My hands are always busy, but my heart is so full!

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