3 Steps for Successful Reading Interventions

Do you have students who are significantly behind in their reading skills? I’m sure you do. It seems like every classroom has multiple students who struggle to read. Since so many components come together to form strong readers, it is easy to see why some struggle. There are so many standards to teach each year, and teachers must keep teaching more content. However, some students need specific, targeted reading interventions to catch them up on their struggles. Luckily, there are three steps to successful reading interventions to help all students become strong readers! By following these steps, students will show much growth in areas where they struggle. Best of all, they will love seeing their reading skills develop throughout the year! Reading Interventions

#1 Assessment and Identification

The first step in successful intervention is understanding who needs help and in which areas. So, there needs to be a thorough assessment to identify specific reading challenges. Thankfully, there are a variety of assessment tools to pinpoint areas of difficulty. This includes reading assessments, fluency checks, comprehension probes, and various subscription-based programs. Teachers can use a few common assessments to ensure students all receive the support they need. 

After collecting data, teachers need to analyze it to identify patterns and trends. This is a great way to understand the reader’s strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, reflecting on formal and informal assessments is essential to gather a holistic view of the reader’s skills. A whole-picture view is essential since some students are anxious about testing or uncomfortable working in different situations.

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reading interventions

#2 Targeted Instructional Planning 

After identifying challenges, it is time to create a tailored intervention plan. This must address the specific needs of the student. So, there needs to be clear and measurable goals that align with the reader’s identified challenges. 

To ensure students receive the instruction they need, it is essential to use evidence-based instructional strategies. This includes phonics instruction, guided reading, and comprehension strategies. Using various evidence-based methods will help ensure instruction addresses specific weaknesses and struggles. Additionally, it will be helpful to incorporate technology tools and resources when they fit the needs. Ultimately, having a plan with diverse and engaging learning experiences will be the best way to provide strong reading interventions.

Instructional Planning

#3 Regular Monitoring and Adjustment 

Monitoring is imperative when reflecting on the 3 steps to successful reading interventions. By continuously monitoring, teachers can ensure the effectiveness of interventions. This reflection provides essential insight into what reading interventions are and are not working. Since teaching is so busy, setting up a regular schedule for progress monitoring is helpful. This ensures teachers look at formative and summative assessments to track improvement. Additionally, it ensures there are updates made to interventions based on areas of improvement and continued struggles. 

After analyzing data, be sure to have open communication with the reader and other stakeholders involved. By doing this, the reading intervention plan has a collaborative approach with everyone providing the support and help needed. 

Reading is an essential part of life. Thankfully, these 3 steps to successful reading interventions will help ensure every student is the best reader they can be!

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Reading Interventions


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I’m a wife, a mommy of 3, blogger, and a full time teacher author and presenter. I love to read, shop, and spend time with my family! My hands are always busy, but my heart is so full!

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