
9 Overlooked Things that Impact Comprehension

Teaching reading comprehension is a huge undertaking for teachers. There are various aspects and factors that impact a student’s ability to comprehend what they have read and recognizing and understanding these factors are key to effectively teaching reading comprehension. So what are some of the factors that impact instruction?

As we all know, every student learns differently and every student brings different background knowledge, experiences, and interests to their learning and these things can play a huge role in their reading comprehension. In this episode, I am breaking down nine factors that play a crucial role in how well our students comprehend what they read.

If you are looking for a way to continue your education on reading instruction, check out The Building Comprehension Hub. Inside, you’ll gain access to ongoing training and support, Building Comprehension units and supplementary materials, and an amazing, supportive community of teachers. Can’t wait to see you inside!

Episode Highlights:

02:06 What one of the most essential components to reading comprehension is

05:30 Why allowing students to choose what they read is so important 

14:21  How culture can play a huge role in reading comprehension

19:30 – The importance of discussion in improving reading comprehension

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This is a podcast designed for elementary school teachers and homeschool parents on a mission to master the art of literacy instruction and cultivate a love of reading in students. Join your host, Ciera Harris, as she opens the door to a world of transformative teaching strategies that will make you a literacy champion in your classroom.