Action Verbs Task Cards (Differentiated)

Looking for a great way to teach and review Action Verbs? These self differentiating task cards and a great way to get MORE out of your centers and independent work!

Check out a preview HERE



Looking for a great way to teach and review Action Verbs? These self differentiating task cards are a great way to get MORE out of your centers and independent work!


Task Cards have many pros and cons to using them, and I was always one who focused on the cons… Until NOW! “My Task Card Journey” is a differentiated and personalized way to get all of your students the practice that they each individually need. These task cards are unlike ANY OTHER task cards you’ve ever purchased! They will give you loads of data on your students’ AND differentiate how much time and practice each of your students get without you having to do ANY extra work!

Here is some important information about these differentiated task cards:

  • All students start at Card #1. This is different from other task cards sets where students can begin anywhere. You might want to have a few sets of the cards ready so students aren’t waiting on others.


  • There are two versions of the cards included. The first set of cards has the ‘directions’ at the bottom of each card. The directions tell the students what card to go to next depending on their answer. If you feel that the students will focus on this section of the card too much – a separate version of the cards has been provided without the directions at the bottom. Instead, when using this version – give each student a copy of the answer key (1/2 page). Tell them to keep it turned upside down until looking to see what card they go to next.


  • A recording sheet as been provided. You will want to make sure the students completely understand that they are not going to be completing all 30 of the cards. They will be skipping around. Each student has his/her own path. Let the students know that any questions that are skipped, an X can be placed in that box. This is also written for them in the directions of the recording sheet.


The questions in the 30 task card set are designed to go in order from least difficult to most difficult. (See more information about the levels and concepts on page 3!)

  • Cards 1 – 5 are introduction to the concept and use of main vocabulary
  • Cards 6 – 10 are DOK Level 1 or “Remembering” level questions
  • Cards 11 – 15 are DOK Level 1 but with a different question type
  • Cards 16 – 20 are DOK Level 2
  • Cards 21 – 25 are DOK Level 2 but with a different question type
  • Cards 26 – 30 are DOK Level 3


  • Knowing the card levels is important. When students turn in their recording sheet to you – it is important to look for where their frustration level occurred to better support them. For example – if a student turns in a recording sheet and has many X’s up until card #’s 16, then you know this child’s frustration level began at the DOK Level 2 and with that specific question type. Therefore when working with this child in a small group you can skip the basic level of understand and go right to where this child needs more support.


  • Grading the recording sheet is no longer about right or wrong answers. The students, without knowing, did this on his/her own. When you collect the recording sheets, you now need to focus on the number of questions that were answered and where the frustration level occurred (mentioned above). Here is a quick guideline of how the # of questions answered applies to the child’s level of understanding:
    • High Students (in this skill) will complete anywhere from 6 – 12 questions
    • Average Students (in this skill) will complete anywhere from 13 – 21 questions
    • Low Students (in this skill) will complete 22 – 30 questions.


So when you are flipping through the recording sheets you can simply look for who answered the most questions and then focus on on where those questions were in accordance to the DOK levels.

Overall, this task card system is designed to help you better give your students a more personalized experience. Students who do not need to spend 20 minutes doing task cards will no longer do so. They will get their 6 – 12 questions complete and then move onto something that will better suit their needs. Students who DO need this review and practice will continue to get it. And YOU as the teacher will gather more appropriate data on frustration levels to better support one on one or in small groups, the needs of your students.

STOP!! Grab the HUGELY discounted bundle HERE!!


Want to watch a video about these cards? Check it out HERE

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