Are you looking for high-quality picture books with lesson plans aligned with the Science of Reading research and practices? Look no further than my Picture Perfect Literacy series! This detailed lesson guide is based on the text Mr. Lincoln’s Way by Patricia Polacco, focusing on asking questions!
This resource includes:
- A detailed lesson guide for the teacher
- Schema-focused lesson & student activity
- Vocabulary lesson & student activity with word maps
- Sentence Comprehension lesson
- Anchor chart model
- Think-Aloud Bookmark for the teacher, with specific page numbers and suggestions for teacher prompting
- Sticky note questions, with page numbers
- Reading comprehension lesson & activity, focused on asking meaningful questions
- Specific ideas for scaffolds and extensions to reach all learners
- 3 differentiated writing prompts with rubrics
- Detailed answer keys, writing prompt samples, and teacher overview pages
This set of activities can be taught at your own pace–whether you choose to do a few items in a day, or spread them out over a week! All of the lessons are able to be taught whole-group or small group, depending on the needs of your students.
The schema, vocab, and sentence comprehension activities take no longer than 15 minutes each, while the main comprehension lesson ranges from about 20-30 minutes. You can choose to complete the actual read-aloud portion in conjunction with the comprehension lesson, or at a separate time beforehand to fit your schedule! The written expression portion is designed to take about 15-30 minutes, depending on the writing pace of the student. We have provided you with 3 different prompts, ranging in levels of difficulty to help you meet your students right where they are!
The Science of Reading tells us that our focus at hand should always be The Reader, The Text, and The Task. This lesson guide brings that research-based theory to LIFE with high-quality text and thoughtful lesson planning! We have done the heavy lifting for you so that you can focus on pushing your students to be the very best readers and thinkers they can be!