Cause and Effect Printables (Print & Digital)

Are you tapped out of ideas on how to teach Cause and Effect to your students? Make it fun, easy, and interactive with this WEEK long set of activities!

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Are you tapped out of ideas on how to teach Cause and Effect to your students? Make it fun, easy, and interactive with this WEEK long set of activities for both print & digital! This resource includes 5 days worth of lesson plans and activities, graphic organizer, craftivity, centers & more! Take a look at the preview for more details!

Lesson 1: Students are becoming exposed to the concept of cause and effect by looking at events in pictures. Students will practice pairing the photos and identifying which photo is the cause and which is the effect.

Lesson 2: Students analyze stories and begin to search for the cause and effect when given specific key words. Students will create flap stories on construction paper to identify the cause and effect using the key words.

Lesson 3: Students evaluate short stories that have already been labeled with cause and effect. Students will sort the stories based on whether the labels are correct and incorrect.

Lesson 4: Students will read different short stories and complete short graphic organizers that are half way filled out with either the cause or the effect. The student must find the other piece from the text.

Lesson 5: Students get to apply their knowledge of cause and effect by reading a short text and identifying two examples of cause and effect. They will create a puzzle themed page to finish.

All activity are more hands on than normal ‘worksheets’. Direction pages and real photographs are also included! A graphic organizer, bookmark, anchor chart, craftivity, & center are all also included!

Digital activities are created for Google Classroom, Google Slides, and PowerPoint.  

This resource is a part of a large Building Comprehension Bundle! You can grab this largely discounted bundle with this resource and 16 other comprehension skills & strategies HERE for over 20% off!

Units included in the bundle are:

  • Summarizing
  • Character
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Problem & Solution
  • Theme
  • Making Inferences
  • Sequencing
  • Main Idea
  • Cause and Effect (this one)
  • Genres
  • Point of View
  • Text Structures
  • Text Features
  • Compare & Contrast
  • Fact and Opinion
  • Author’s Purpose

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