Nonfiction Text Structure and Text Feature Activity

So you’ve taught text features and you’ve taught text structures – but have you thought about teaching them BOTH at the same time?

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So you’ve taught text features and you’ve taught text structures – but have you thought about teaching them BOTH at the same time? Have your students stumbled upon the connection between them? Do they see that when an author organizes a text in a specific way (structure) that he/she then chooses specific text features to support that structure? Go DEEPER with Nonfiction with these two ready to print lessons! Check out the preview to see the entire product.

Lesson 1: Students read stories all about space! They are to identify the text structure of each passage and then determine which nonfiction text feature would best support the structure and justify why. A page to model and an exit ticket for this lesson are both included

Lesson 2: Students read stories all about frogs! They are again to identify the text structure of each passage then determine which nonfiction text features (two of them!) would best support the structure and justify why. This activity is a fun cut and glue matching activity. Again, a modeling page and exit ticket are included.

Get your students talking about text structures and features in a way you’ve never thought! Go deeper with nonfiction! Lesson details are also included. Please let me know if you have any questions! Enjoy!

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