Want to give your parents at bit more support at home but don’t want to assign mundane homework? This parent teacher at home resource center can help! There are over 30 one page, print and go games included that vary in difficulty.
Included in the download are:
Materials list
How to directions
Game covers for each game
33 print and go games
The games are separated into 3 different ‘levels’ to help with differentiation. There are beginning, middle, and higher level concepts that are covered. Each level has 11 games to choose from!
Here are the concepts covered:
- Long A words
- Hard/Soft C & G
- Counting Money
- Telling Time
- Complete/Incomplete Sentences
- Ending punctuation
- Irregular plurals
- Capitalization
- Nonfiction text features
- Adding and subtracting with regrouping
- Using text evidence
- Equivalent fractions
- Topic sentence
- Quotation marks
- Elapsed time
- Persuasive writing
- Word problems
- Prefixes/suffixes
- Nonfiction text structure
- Text evidence in nonfiction
- Identifying theme
- Root words
- Comparing fractions
- Similes & metaphors
- Multiple meaning words
- Run on sentences
- Closing sentences
- 2 digit multiplication
- Dialogue quotation marks
- Context clues
- Point of View
- Understanding summaries
Again, each game is one page – print and go ready. No extra materials are needed to help parents. On each page is also a ‘parent corner’ with a quick tip to help them teach and practice that skill with their student.
There are many great times throughout the school year including back to school night, open house, parent teacher conferences, literacy night, math night, and any other after school events that your school might have!